Stop Signs and Welcome Mats

Let me sit down, lean back, wipe the dust off of the keyboard, think of something intelligent to say give a little sigh, crack my knuckles and get down to the dirty work kids. So it's been a long time, can't say that I've missed it. Cause well I do have other things I must do day in and day out, and this has become something that was put to the side for the wonderful 9 month hiatis I took.
What has Melissa been up to lately (I'll use the third person here because it has a way of making me feel important)? Well not a whole hell of a lot that's for sure. She works a lot, you all know that, and well lately she's been avoiding applying for jobs, something that I'm sure will eventually bite her square in the ass, but for now it's working like a gem.
Right now I should be doing a few things... what are these things I speak of you might be asking yourself, or you may just be wondering why it is that I'm trying to think of what you are thinking of at any one point in time. Well, either way, someone has too much time on their hands, and most likely it's me. Anyway, said things are... a) cleaning my much too messy room, with it's piles of clothes which reach new unheard of hights which make mountains look like mole hills, the salvation army should get ready because I need to unload some of these things. b) finding a place to live for next year, because I REFUSE to move back into the parental paradise in perrysburg thats for sure. and c) finding a permanent job with things like, benifits, a company car, box seats at all the best games, and most importantly a 6 digit salary. But I'm not someone you could refer to as a go-getter, at least not in any sense of the word that any normal person might use the term. If it's my favorite new cd, or a great place to get some grub, yep then I'm a go-getter, but anything having to even infer that there might be an ounce of work or stress involved and the words go and getter are never put next to one another, if your on the same side of the salade bowl as I am.
Well my faithful followers I must regretfully inform you that I should probably get back to hdiding from responsibility... I shall key in some comments later on... it's a possibility.

I owe everything I've done so far to Chicken

So, I'm back... from outer space... no, not really. Now that I'm a college graduate however I do have entirely too much time on my hands. It's a sad thing, but so far I'm not complaining.

I thought I'd bust out a new blog (again with that word) and share the experiences I've had this wonderful year.

I'd first like to discuss graduation, now I'm glad I went. I'm going to say that to start out because by the end I most likely will be unable to utter that phrase. So Dean, Tophe and I all pile into Dean's Cavi and head out to wonderful Anderson Arena, where said graduation ceremony is to begin. First we're diverted due to road construction then we're in a traffic jam of about four thousand other graduate applicants and standing still. Finally able to park, (in a fine parking spot I might add) we make our way to the BA, and then proceed to be bomarded with questions from complete strangers with name tags, insisting we tell them our names and majors, before ushering us off to yet more stations at which they demand the same information... why this couldn't have been done only one time by one person the world may never know. After digging through a crowd of three hundred people in the hall who are all dressed alike you are forced to go simply off the look of ones shoes to find people you know. After which turning your back for even a moment could result in returning to find a crowd of complete strangers with black robes on, where once a group of familiar black robed beings once stood. You are then told to get in some sort of misshapen line and move cedar point line brigade style towards the Arena, you know move 2 feet, stand 20 minutes. So by the time we're near the doors to the arena, I'm half asleep and need to poked to wake up in order to continue the journey. Once inside, the volume was crazy, with hoops and hollars coming from every direction, if there would have been a fire, we would have died, no question. So it's sweaty, I'm dripping, Dean and Toph and good sports, but they're sharing in the heat. The ceremony was actually quite quick, and painless. I was hoping for a bit more... but I'll take what I can get for the 35 thousand I paid for a nice piece of paper with my name on it.

We most certainly went out that night, getting tanked. Which is like a rite of passage. It's law, I'm certain, in most states. I'm mostly glad that I got to share the entire graduation process with two of my cool roommates, and all of my ID girls!!

So, I'm not sure if I've posted about this before, but I just have to share a memory that's the best, that includes both Dean and Toph. So Toph coached HS football for Eastwood I think, and me and Dean always went to games, and let me tell you, looking like you're 12 has it's advantages. We'd stand in line, and talk about our Algebra test, or some boy we were in love with, just loud enough that the ticket seller would hear, so she would just be like Student? and we were like, yep. So we always got in for the student rate. It was a thing of beauty.

I'm officially Smart!
She was both wise and stupid in the way that when life got hard she didn't work through her problems; she just danced in her underwear alone in her room until they went away.
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