Where have all the roommates gone?

They've all gone away... to where? I'm starting to think to OZ, or maybe to the Chocolate factory with Charlie, where the Snozberries really taste like snozberries. Who knows. Oh well, who needs to lick wallpaper when you can... well I think I'd like to have some lickable wallpaper... that way if you're walking down the hall and you've got a bad taste in your mouth you just lick the wall. And all is well again.

So back to the subject... while I'm trying to get into this new Sting song, I'm finding it to be troublesome. And it's sad really. Okay, really back to the roommates. They've all gone away, Deena's car is here, but she is not, back from NJ & NC? Maybe. Bedee is long gone. Mindy, well she's Mindy. So where does this leave MelC? Sitting alone talking to That Man, and if That Man had anything remotely interesting to say, I'd probably be more than content doing nothing. But he's a rather boring chap, and doesn't really have much of a life. So I usually do most of the talking, which is just like most other conversations I have. Not the point. I'm starting to miss them... well okay replacement roommates could probably do everything they could, so last night I was talking to Zimbo about how I was seriously pondering taking a stroll across the hall, because they seem to only have a half full apartment, and I' don't even have that, so together we have a better chance for survival. Or at least entertainment, and we all know there's one boy across the hall I'd be more than happy to entertain. Yeah, that's right, I said entertain, and I meant it exactly how you thought I did. And you think I'm the sick minded one... well okay. At least everyone wins. oh boy.

Stop the singing... please

Sting, dude you're old. Give it up. PLEASE. I'm trembling at the difficulty I'm having at listing to this madness. "I'm just the prisoner of love always hid from the light." Blah, blah.

I am right, I swear I'm right, I swear I knew it all along

Ahhh the sound of another plan falling through the massive cracks of my life. Oh well. MelG and I have made our own plans... re-schedule we shall. I'm sticking my tongue out right now, but unfortunately you can only imagine the disgusted look I have on my face currently.

To my dear friend Lynzie... you suck. Seriously. I mean it.

Good news... since my lovely sister has no future plans and no optimistic job opportunities in the works, she sets me up for nothing but success... and this is a good thing. How can I ever disappoint the parents now? I can't, and that, my friends, makes this all worth it. Every last all-nighter, and blood, sweat, and tear stained project board I ever turned in, and let me tell you, there have been plenty. I'm smiling again. A big one.

Seriously is my sister playing the same game I am? Obviously not. Or she's thinking of forfeiting. She may have run out of "Pass go and Collect $500" cards, or something. Who knows she's my sister. As long as I'm winning I'm comfortable. Even if I do owe my parents more than I can ever hope to make in a lifetime, but they enjoy the thought of me owing them, so they just keep handing it out, with a smile I might add. A big one.

Before I put another notch in my lipstick case...

So I'm chillin to Pat Benatar currently, she's going to "Hit me with your best shot." Oh good times, good times.

How goes it in the world of the wonderful me, you might ask yourself, then again maybe once again you're a bit standoffish and you really don't want to talk to me right now, but like the horrible person that I am I do not currently care if you do or do not want to have a conversation with me right now, because this is my channel and I'll do whatever I please, so if I say you're going to have a conversation you're going to damn it. Riiiggghhhtt...

So I'm good, you know in the proverbial sense of the word at least. I did attend VALAPALOOZA 2004 on friday night, which was a good time. Some of those who are out of the loop may be wondering what in the world valapalooza is or was. Well my inferior friends, it was my dear friend val's 21st birthday extravaganza. At which there was plenty of drinking and laughing and most importantly good looking boys. In a sense I guess there men, but when men drink they become children so the use of 'boys' here I would say was done correctly. Anyway, I do think val had a good idea with the celebration, T-shirts, kegs, harry buff., a nice spread, a "Welcome to Valapalooza" Budweiser banner, a porto-potty, you know all the necessities of a good time. As my dear "Queer-Eye" friends would say "Snaps to Val."

What else might I be up to on these, the lazy days of summer. Well everyday I wake up and walk past the desk by my door and see my portfolio images sitting there begging to be put together in their respective places in the nice shiny case I purchased two months ago. But I just continue past without even a sigh, and go on about my day without so much as a desire to sit down and organize my past, present, or future. So where does this leave me? In five years I predict I'll be poor, and homeless on the streets of some god-forsaken town, with nothing but a pair of mismatched shoes and bad hair. College was such a waste of time it only served to delay my inevitable fall from grace, and hope. At least there was the alcohol, which serves to help me forget about the imminent descendance of the future encroaching onto my life's path. Someone save me. Please. I beg you. Soon.
Tissues and Hair Ties

So my dear friends, what you might wonder, do the aforementioned two things have in common? They are two things one can never have too many of. And I can never seem to find a single one when I need it. So this leads me to the conclusion that somewhere, someone has it out for me. And I'm being serious.

I'm sitting here suffering, from what? A cold. And it's not even cold outside which makes me feel even worse about having to suffer from a stupid ailment that should only afflict people in inclement weather. Because stuffy noses and sore throats are winter things, not summer things. Oh, but for Melissa there is no cold season, it's a year round event. Well, I do however know how I obtained said cold. I had a horse show this past weekend, and while riding in the cold rain Saturday morning, because horse people are crazy, I got incredibly warm in my wool coat and rain gear they force you to cover yourself in. So that, combined with falling off and breaking my nose (that's what my mom says, I still argue that it's only bruised and refused to see the EMT, had it been a HOT 20 something EMT I may have been tempted to make a visit to the medical tent once the blood was cleaned up)so that all set me up for a GREAT week. So currently in order to have any sort of normal breathing function I am forced to tilt my head back while moving about, which in turn makes me look like I'm on crack.

Onward to more important bits of information...

We (MelG and I) are planning a BBQ for next Wednesday, rain or shine, we're hoping for shine but will most likely get rain since the farmers are all turning their fields into crops of rice instead of anything needing less than 36in of rain a week. Since we're having a nice DRY season and all. Everyone is invited to dine on some delectable goodies which shall include but are not limited to... hamburgers, hot-dogs, chips, chicken, and smores... after which THE MELISSA BAR CRAWL shall begin after some pre partying, all are still invited, but it will still be known as the THE MELISSA BAR CRAWL , and for the night you will all be known as MELISSA, males included. It promises to be a good time, you should come. Well if you're cool.

Alright, now the small passage that once allowed air to travel through my nose is closing, and no longer will I be adequately be able to supply my brain with the oxygen it needs to support all life functions, therefore I'm forced to leave you and try and think of a new way to allow the breath of life to continue into my body. Like through my mouth.

She was both wise and stupid in the way that when life got hard she didn't work through her problems; she just danced in her underwear alone in her room until they went away.
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