Just me and my thoughts...
I sleep by myself, I drink on my own, I don't speak to no body, I gave away my phone...
If you haven't guessed it yet, you're dumb, and I'm newly obsessed with Jamie Cullum... he's not cute but the boy can sing. So if you haven't yet CHECK HIM OUT... I'm not saying you have to go out and buy his CD, but you know this is why we have file sharing programs... for sharing good times and good sounds... so before I have to get medival on your ass just do it.
Anyone know if Dashboard is going to be in the area anytime soon? I just got back my concert buddy and I'd like to abuse them with my music since i usually was the one suffering before...
Also could the weather PLEASE decide which season it would like to be for a while... this cold, hot, warm, stuff just isn't doing anything other than giving me a severe weather complex that is scarring me for life
I'm still in charge of packing, painting, and cleaning of two very messy housing units.... and frankly the APT is WAY cleaner than the house could ever want to be, which i think is a complete failure of the housing department known as my family. Shouldn't someon have furnished my sister with a check out list of areas that needed to be cleaned and completely empty of all and any articles that she may have felt the need to leave behind... such as an old calander on the walll or some NASCAR crap that has dust on it... she must know that when the Bucket and Suds crew comes in it's going to all get thrown away... all of it. Without a second thought. It's true.
Packing Tape and Dirty Laundry...
I've had enough of both... let me tell you. If I NEVER had to put anything into another box I'd be happy. Moving BLOWS. And it upsets me. Because not only am I attempting to move INTO my parents house ( lord help me ) but sister sarah is moving out... which I am thankful for. However she is incapable of doing anything for herself so she demands the attention of the entire city when doing anything above and beyond the ordinary.  So I've got boxes... she's got boxes... we've all got boxes... I hate boxes. Like it's my job. No joke.
I'm also starting to think I'd like to move to england and start looking for a husband relatively soon, because well I'm not getting any younger... or better looking, and british men, they don't care. I've heard that somewhere, from someone. Damn fire alarm... I hope it's not my building, I'll shoot someone if it is. I'm not even playing around. They better get that shit under control or I'll have to get my game face on. And you don't want me to go there. Believe me,  it's no Oprah.
Speaking of Oprah... today on her show ( I KNOW it was a rerun, but it's new to me) she was giving away a million dollar wedding. That's a big ass wedding we're talking Trista and Ryan material... and I didn't get to see the end, so if you did, please let me know who won. And I think the barbie and ken couple (not literally) should win, I'm talking 18 years of friendship which just blossomed right on into the love of a lifetime, you just don't get any more deserving, you just don't... unless you're a one legged, blind homeless person, who meets up with their long lost love from elementary school who scoured the streets looking for you. But even then... I'm picking Barbie and Ken, they're better looking... you know?
So now I'm off to pack some of my stuff since sister's leaving tomorrow!
Look out North Carolina, she's coming!
She was both wise and stupid in the way that when life got hard she didn't work through her problems; she just danced in her underwear alone in her room until they went away.
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