Neverity Says HELLO!

I'd Like To Get Away For Awhile...

Hey, so long time no post. But hey, what can you do? I've been rolling in the green grass, climbing mountains and hugging trees. Not really, more like chasing 200 screaming girls, running after horses, sweating my ass off, and hanging out with mormons all summer. And to top it all off I haven't had a drink in almost three months, I'm going to be returning home as a one beer queer. I'm scared, and don't know what to do. My body may go into shock when I come back and down a forty and a 12 pack. But oh well.

Camps been if nothing else, a watered down soap opera. They take a bunch of college aged kids and put them in this almost story book esc atmosphere and force them to live and work together 24 hours a day 7 days a week. And let me tell you, boy do you learn who you like and who you don't relatively quickly. Luckily for me, I just have a way of letting people know that I either do or do not like them right from the start. Mostly I don't like people. But that's the story of my life.

There's been boy drama, friend drama, rumors, rumors, rumors, fights, and laughs, it's been an awesome time, as a whole, but there have been days, mostly recently when I've been dying to just hop in big d and drive back to the burg.

Last night for instance, me and my roommate the awesome Kelly 'you rock my face off' Mullen made homemade icecream in Highland after hours, I of course couldn't wait for mine to freeze all the way and had more of a milkshake than anything, but as long as I enjoyed it that's all that really matters right? That's what I thought.

Well I have to run, more kids to entertain.
Peace out Girl Scout.
Some people call me the space cowboy...

Much news, much news. I've been neglecting to share, I know, and now the time has come. I'm moving to Vermont. Ta Da! I know, isn't it crazy? But hey, when the going gets tough... I just move on to good ol' VT. So I'm packing my bags, and heading out... uh.. east? I'm leaving June 8th, it's crazy soon, and I'm never going to get everything done in time, but you know, who cares!? Yeah, and I'll be there if you need me. Other than that lifes, you know, normal... But whatever!

I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair, I'm wondering how I'll get down those stairs...

please just go here... please...

I shudder at the thought that this is how some people spend their free time. Honestly.

What up? So I knew I was popular with the crowd, but come on people, I can only Blog so much. I have things to do during the day, you know? So just try and limit yourself to mindless checking of the blog a couple times a day. You know? It's unhealthy to become so addicted to something so wonderful. It's just wrong.

So at work the other night, (that would be last night) I was talking about one of the three TV shows that I watch, The WB's Jack & Bobby, which is about to be cancelled, and I was saying that I'll turn my TV on to it even if I'm not watching it just to give it ratings, and one girl at work was like, Oh you have a Nielson box, and me being the ignorant little girl that I am was like Wha?! and she informs me that you have to have one of these nifty little boxes attached to your TV inorder for your ratings to count. Hmm... do you know anyone with this mystery box? how do I get one? I want one. Badly. I watch good TV and I don't want it cancelled. So damnit if you have a glorious Nielson box watch Jack & Bobby, save them! Well, at least Jack, he's sexy.

In other news, I was at the bar last night, because where else would I be? And my friends, friend, (because that's how I roll) told me this hilarious story that I'm going to share with you at this moment. So she was intoxicated, with a friend and they had parked in this parking lot and as they were coming back to their car they saw a towtruck getting ready to tow her car so they try and stop the guy and he tells them that for forty dollars he won't tow it, so she says well I only have a dollar, and goes into this speech about how she doesn't have a job, (but she has money to get drunk) and he's like well I'm towing it, so her friend looks at her and is like JUST GO! and so she jumps in her car (which mind you is attached via the little rollie thing to the tow truck and slams on the gas and takes off. So she's speeding away, still attached to the device, at a whopping 15mph, and her friend just hangs out with the tow truck driver, who calls the police. He later tells the cops she was just some girl he met at the bar (LIE!) and he doesn't know her. So anyway, she's screeching down the road, flying as fast as a slightly disabled car can fly, and has to slam on the brakes at a red light, at which point the device comes flying out from under her car, causing the car in front of her to stop. The driver of said car gets out, looks around and picks up the tow truck device, tosses it in the back of his car and drives on his merry way. My friends, friend is like WHAT?! but not one to ask questions she just drives on home, happy to be free of the device, glad that lucky fella decided he had some use for it. Whomever he may be.

Random song you should totally download: Counting to 100/Matt Wertz aka Melissa's boyfriend.
You're just too high to see the point, you think your name is pass the joint. at the party everyones happy, everyones high... I think I like you, but you like this whole room you sexy machine...

Gavin Degraw is sexy.

So I have to discuss this thing I call my job, I think Karma is telling me that I really should not continue in the service industry, not only in the past two days I've worked I've not only gotten into an argument over the "boxed" cake that we sell, but i've also spilled a beer, literally all over this guy, who in return left me a large chunk of faces for my pocket. Props to him! But I've also had an ice tea go flying, and douse me, afterwhich I did get a free shirt, and life was good again, but I mean this stuff just does not happen, you know?! I've been working there forever and never has any of this happened, so I'm thinking this is in fact someones way of showing me that I should not work there. Don't you think?

I'm also calling the guy back from Camp Storer today, and I'm applying at Camp Lohikan tonight, so hopefully I can run away for awhile, not like that bride-to-be, I won't require a multi-state manhunt, just a letter every now and then. Oh and money... lots of that.


everything else will be overrated.
Hey Brody!

So, it's been awhile, and I'm not proud of that, but you know. I can dig it. So unfortunatly not much is new, just the same ol' same ol'. I just keep on trucking, like a mack truck in the landfill. Just roll on along.

I thought I'd take a moment to share my experience with the movie Closer, I would like to say, I'm pretty sure, it had to have been written by a man, I say this, and I have no clue if it in fact was written by a man, but I'm sure it was, if you've seen it, you know what I mean. The fact that one small group, small being 4 people, can have sex within that group, in so many freaking combinations is beyond me. And also what happened to Ruth?! I would like to know, Ruth if you're out there hun, call me. Because he was an asshole to just leave you hanging like that. So some other chick gets hit by a car while a Damien Rice song plays quietly in the background and BAM all traces, memories, and sentimental feelings of the once serious, live in girlfriend are void and gone? What the hell?! This is just too much for me. The movie besides being a great way for dudes to get a look at Natalie Portmans ass, moved entirely too slow for me, although in the movie land time, the years flew by, and frankly I could have used some of those key phrases, like "2 years later" to randomly pop up at the bottom of the screen, because I didn't get it for awhile that in fact 2 years had went by, and suddenly Ruth was gone. Seriously, if anyone knows where Ruth went, I'm still curious.

Have to run, I need sleep. I'm starting to type out of sequence.

You're my hero.
Uncle Rico is hot and Lafawnda is my hero...

So it's been awhile, and when I say awhile, I mean... A long, long time. But the really sad thing is, things are pretty much the same. You know... exactly the same. Scott got transfered to Michigan, so no more worries that our crazy affair will get noticed, phew. I was worried for a second or too.

Other than that things are the same. yep. the same. so... later yo!

She was both wise and stupid in the way that when life got hard she didn't work through her problems; she just danced in her underwear alone in her room until they went away.
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