I really think that everyone should have watercolors, magnetic poetry, and a harmonica.

Are you ready for this my melancholy friend? Sure you are. So what's with the sudden interest in my life lately? 3 months go by, and nothing, not so much as a soft wind coming my way with your name on it, and suddenly all this commotion and motion causing my life to screech to a freakish halt. First the phone call, and the message left by her, not so cool. Not so cool at all. Then the follow up call, just to patch that first one up, followed by her email, cold and casual as expected. And my response to your inquisition? How's the erie silence treating you?

There's only one problem with this situation, I'm secretly screaming to respond, to get it all out, to yell, and and get you to yell back. Only I know that's not how it would go, not really. I'd stay calm, let you talk, we'd speak in generalities checking the waters, and then if all seemed right we'd creep away from the safe harbor and ask some detailed questions hoping for the answers we secretly want, and then cringe if the harsh wind blows our way. It's hard thinking that we had so much, and lost it in a 4 paragraph email to someone who wasn't even you. But that's life. I'm droning on about something that doesn't really matter, the likelihood of us seeing each other again, slim to none, the likelihood of going to back to the way things were anyway even slimmer. But currently it consumes me.

Song to Download: Butch Walker... Best Thing You Never Had ...well my heart got shattered like romantic road kill my ego got splattered and your ego got fatter and I hope that you're flattered...hello how you doing, what's it like to ruin all my self esteem? when you blow off some steam... so why am i jadded to get back at you what makes it cool when you act like nothing ever happened I feel like I should feel better but I care like someone who thought they're the only one that mattered I hope that you're battered, cause you broke this dam, the best thing that you never had.
She was both wise and stupid in the way that when life got hard she didn't work through her problems; she just danced in her underwear alone in her room until they went away.
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