It's a weird yourself at all times

So I'm bored here sitting at my parents house, I have to give riding lessons tonight, and I'm not looking forward to it.

Anyway thats not the reason I've chosen to write today... actually it was because I am bored that I decided to glance around on the internet, and one of those little pop up ads came up for that thing, so I thought well I've got nothing better to do. So click away I did. And I flipped through some profiles of the eligable boys in town, some were hot, some where not, as expected. Then upon further inspection I noticed that the only chicks who filled out profiles on this website were either a mom, a huge loser, or fat. I feel pretty bad for the guys, although it was somewhat of a confidence booster. And then I thought about the fact that, there I was 3:30 on a monday afternoon, and what am I doing? Looking through profiles on for kicks.... the only difference between them and me... the guys will probably find chicks, the chicks will probably find old men to lust after them, and me? well we all know where I'll be... damn karma...

well I've waisted all the time I can for now, time to torture little children on horses...

10. the sense of family you get from the 'get togethers' the complex hosts
9. the attractive 'air pond'
8 the HUGE bedrooms
7. the wonderful 'roommate match' program, that matches you up with the BEST roommates you could ever find.
6. the high quality garbage disposals
5. the attractive boy who lives in building one
4. there is always a party somewhere in the complex, no need to worry about a DD
3. they offer a free car denting program, just park near a balcony
2. it's always the fourth of july to the boys who live above you, especially at 2:30am
and the number one reason to live in sterling...

1. you'll feel like you never left the dorms with their 'fire alarm at 4am' fun nights... bring friends they'll enjoy it.

And so it goes...

My bedroom is a disaster at it finest, no joke. I just received a new bed, and now I have no desk, so I have no where to store all of my junk, and let me tell you, I know how to keep a LOT of junk. If I had the time I'm sure I'd fish through it, pick out what I really needed, and get rid of the rest, but instead, I choose to blog. I hate that word. I think it's because it reminds me of the word barf, and i have no clue what the reason for that is, but it does. Speaking of words, I love the word tepid. No reason, I just enjoy it. Lets talk about this book I'm reading, On the Road, Jack Kerouac, I know it's a 'classic' and that I really should enjoy it, but I'm not, and it's killing me. This book has it out for me, I know it does. I started reading it almost a month and a half ago, it never takes me this long to read a book that is only 300 pages long, you'd think I'm LD or something! Maybe I am, but if I am, this book is to blame. First of all, I had a serious discussion with SBHK about this book, and he said he enjoyed it when he read it, but that it isn't an easy read, (no joke killer) so then I mention the fact that everyone who told me to read this book was male, and that quite possibly this is a 'boy book'. He said it's possible (at this point I didn't need reassurance, I was already locked in to the idea). I went on to complain about the main character, and how I wish he would just pick a side of the country and stay on it, I mean seriously who really feels the need to go from NY to Cali, back to NY, and then do it all over again another nine hundred times in ones lifetime? Only my dear friend Sal Paradise, the only thing keeping me interested in this book is this guys name, Paradise, I've now decided I'm going to marry a boy who is british with the last name Paradise, (the boy in the book isn't British I just fully intend to marry British). Seeing as this is about as possible as me waking up next to Steve (aka Scotty B) I've come to accept the fact that I'm going to end up alone, and I'm okay with that, at least today. Who knows, with my luck, or lack there of I'll probably marry some guy who has two first names (you know like Billy Bob, Jim Bo, etc.) we'll live in a double wide, share a car (most likely ghetto blue if she hasn't completely bit it) he'll have 3 children from a previous girlfriend, all of which also have two first names, and he'll work at wal-mart (not that there's anything wrong with that) and I'll work at a truck stop. My boss, Bubba, who is 63, morbidly obese, and who ownes the truck stop, will leave it to me and my love muffin, after he dies suddenly from a miocardial infarction (another of my favorite words), I'll go on to work in the truck stop until I die, with 20 cats, 3 dogs, and 30 grandchildren, living on food stamps (not that there is anything wrong with that). Oh lord, look what I get to look forward too, makes me want to graduate college tomorrow, and get started... but instead, since this has went on way too long, I'm going to let you all sit back and absorb all the knowledge you have just gained from this... until later my fine friends...

In Other News

The roommate previously mentioned decided to clean the apartment today... first time since she moved in a year ago, but you know, we should all bow down. She said she just couldn't stand it. So she cleaned for like an hour she said, even though she had a final, and a paper to write (i think i feel a tear coming on). Seriously, we all are busy, but some how, at least me and the beadster find time to clean. Dean doesn't clean, I think it's against her religion or something, because she's been pretty devoted to the whole 'not cleaning' vow she must have taken. I don't know... Mind you I came home, said to myself, oh the apartment looks a little more clean, and then she came home, I'm in my room, (door closed) and I hear "hey, how are you?" I'm assuming someone else is home, and in the living room. Oh no, she's talking to me, what is she psychic? I know she's psycho, but thats just a bit creepy. So she walks into my room, (which I'm in the process of cleaning) doesn't knock, doesn't say 'hey, i'm coming in' she just throws the door opens and invites herself in for tea, then she proceeds to tell me about the whole cleaning thing, which turns into a story of how she went to the bookstore and bought a book, and it cost $90, and that was just completely upsetting to her utopic state of being. Moral of this story, if you have a lock on your bedroom door, use it.

The Daily Dribble

So I really need to look for a new job... I mean it this time too, not like those four thousand other times when I've said it but have done nothing to change the situation. The only problem is I lack motivation, a key ingrediant. Oh well, maybe tomorrow, since now have the day off.

SBHK called me last night, out of the blue. I wanted to know whats going on with him and the bitch (it's pretty sad when I think someone is bitchy), but I'm too nice to ask. Especially since she called me the day after SBHK, our other friend and i hung out, and she seemed like she was in a good mood, but she's a scary witch, and could have been doing a good job of covering up her mood whatever it may have been. So I didn't get any info, damn. Maybe next time you know?

Gotta run it's time for DMB...
I finally won! At spider solitare that is. After almost 80 tries, I finally did it. So now what will I do with all of my extra time?

So, I have this one roommate, and if she were even semi-cool, maybe things would be different but, seriously I'm counting down the days until this chick moves out. She's so annoying, and if I find her annoying, thats pretty bad, because I am a pretty annoying person myself. Anyway, (a word I use WAY too often) so this girl does not know how to SHUT UP, I mean you know, if someones door is closed, you don't normally try and carry a conversation with them, now do you? Well this girl thinks that a closed door means I want to talk for hours. Another of her favorite things to do is to ask, What do you think about that? Like if she stubs her toe, or burns her dinner. What do I think of that? I think your an idiot, thats what.
So I love British people, in general. I don't care what they look like, who they are, I just generally think they are the coolest people. Maybe it's because they tend to be bitchy, like me, but I'm afraid I think it's entirely based on their accents. Yes, I know, I'm a sad, sad person but I really think thats what does it to me. The Russian accent irritates me, the Australian accent (and language, they tend to speak their own form of some type of lost before the turn of the century version of the english language that only they understand) befuddles me. But the British, they've got it going on. I always wanted to marry a British person, but now I don't think I could, why? you ask. Because I'd be so jealous of their accent that I couldn't stand it. Thats a lie. Thats another thing I have a problem with, I lie entirely too much. So much so, that sometimes I don't even remember what is the truth.

It's raining outside, and I have a riding lesson today, woo hoo I can't wait to get all yucky and muddy (anyone sense the sarcasim there?). Oh looking out the window just reminded me of something else that I love. Boys who drive red convertables, preferably boys with curly hair. Although I would settle for a sandy blond in a greenish-blue car who lives in building one... I can not believe that I'm still obsessed with that dork, seriously I think I should see someone about this. Last night while playing volleyball some boy joined our game, and somehow we got on the subject of boys names, and I brought up Steve (wonder why) and our new volleyball playing friend said Steve was a bad name, and that (and I quote) "steve always ends up being the choch of the group, they're always like don't be like steve". So where does this leave me? Lusting after a choch. Oh well! Ok, well this went on a bit too long. So I should go now, and get ready to enjoy the rain.
:: trying to recover from volleyball I'll write more later::
So, me and my "ways" have copied off of a certain mr. horton, and his SUPER GREAT idea... right now though, i have to go and refresh myself about HTML, so I can have a super cool site.
She was both wise and stupid in the way that when life got hard she didn't work through her problems; she just danced in her underwear alone in her room until they went away.
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