I like to bite my fingernails...

and that is not a lie. I promise. Really. It's gross, and true. Completely off topic fact of the day. There you have it.

Where does this leave us? Well it leaves me sitting back in my black leather chair, with fresh from the shower wet hair, waiting for my food to get here, food that I've been awaiting for almost six hours, and why have I been waiting six hours for food? Because I've been running around like a crazy person all freaking day, and when i say all freaking day? I mean ALL freaking day.

So the food has come and gone, and I'm completely feeling full and refreshed, life is now back to it's homeostasis status of well being... ahh... I sigh with great relief. So I have a lot of things going on right now, and I was thinking about this the other day. If I was in class right now, I probably would lock myself in my closet and down a forty and a bottle of sleeping pills, not really but the dramatics seemed to fit right there, because well this is almost too much to take, in fact if there was a way for you to see what order I was typing these letters you would be able to see that not only am I leaving out almost every other letter, but I seem to be slightly keyboard dyslexic this evening... but it happens... right on.
Pig Tails, a Large Coke, and White Socks...

Three things I enjoy right this instance. No doubt.

So I'm sitting here, and I'm listening to Travis, because well, they rock. ::insert ridiculous rock grimace here::

What I've decided is blog (yuck word) worthy today is Real World Philly, now I'm a real world enthusiast you could say. And well I've seen just about every episode of every season, and even if I hate it I somehow seem to still watch it. So I'm trying to fall asleep last night, with no luck, and no roommates to bother, (tears are welling in my eyes) and so where does this leave me? Turning on the TV and seriously, I do not watch that much tv. I just don't. I don't know why, I just don't. So anyway, I turn on MTV and there it is, Real World Philly, and it's the first day and everyone is moving in and you get to meet everyone and I have to agree with the psycho slut, MJ is hot. I'd jump him too psycho slut. I would. So the psycho sluts name escapes me at this instance, oh wait I think it might be sarah... huh what a coincidence... I know another sarah who is a bit of a slut.... hmm... anyway, there was my going to hell in a handbag line of the day. So anyway, this girl she is a bit too forthcoming for my taste and there is no way I could live in a house with her, I would kill her. And that Willy dude I totally knew that I had seen him from somewhere else, GHOSTWRITER!! How fucking awesome is that?! I knew PBS really did screw up kids. Anyway, and the dude with the name I forget is homosexual as well! I never saw that coming, did anyone else?! If you did you have highly sensitive gaydar because even the gay guy didn't really get it at first. And that's just great. I love this shit you know?!

Hold on the music stopped and I have to turn it back on to something else, I don't know what so give me a moment. Want to know of a good sad song... try Rachael Yamagata "The Reason Why" you'll enjoy it. I promise.

Well I'm off to work on my purple scarf I'm working on for someone for christmas... who I don't know, but when it's done we'll see. Maybe I'll keep it, and then again maybe I just won't finish it. You never know.

If you don't laugh at yourself, life is going to seem a lot longer than you want it to.
I'm okay with being unimpressive. I sleep better.

Here we go, so lately I've been a movie FREAK. And when I say FREAK I mean, like it's gotten completely and utterly out of hand. I should see someone regarding this new found problem, I really should. But due to the lack of insurance at the moment, I guess I'll just have to deal with the problem without the use of professional assistance. So I saw "Napoleon Dynamite" on Saturday night with my super cool friend HBiggs, and let me tell you it was seriously laugh out loud, fall out of your chair onto the sticky floor and not even care funny. No doubt. So if you haven't seen it, do so. Then on Sunday night Zimbo and Val and I were going to go and see "The Notebook" because Val and I thought we should enlighten Zim into the tearful world of "you will NEVER find a love like that" movie. Because well we feel everyone needs to go and cry a river. Maybe not to the point that they need to sit in the theatre for 15 min after the movie gets out in order to collect themselves (cough cough val) but you know, it was a good time. However we decided to go and see Garden State instead because I've been wanting to see that like it was my job or something. So I convinced Zim, through the offer of purchasing her ticket to go to see that instead, and let me tell you, not only was that the best movie that I've seen in awhile, but it was like one of those movies that you see and not only do the affect you for years to come, but you could literally watch that movie everyday and get something out of it everytime. Zach Braff, is a master. And well, if this whole breaking up the DJ thing falls through, and this trip to London fails to produce a viable husband, then I'll most definitely be calling him, and setting a date for us to get hitched.

Wow, that went on for awhile didn't it. But anyway, so I'm digging movie trailers, and there is this movie coming out called "Dear Frankie" and you should all check it out, because it looks so cute. The dude in it is easy on the eyes, as well.

I think I'm going to start a new crochet project after I'm done writing this, because well, I have nothing better to do. So well, I think I'm going to go and do that right now. Alright, yes I am.
late night tv a scarf and a boy named dj

Bet you didn't think I knew how, huh? That's right. I Crochet. Not well, but I can. And I've been a crocheting fool lately, if you count 1/2 a short scarf a lot... and I sure do.

So I'm listening to "Feed Jake" by Pirates of the Mississippi, and well I mostly enjoy the "if I die, before I wake, please feed Jake, he's been a good dog." that's the hook of the song, and well it worked, but there is this line "if you pierce an ear they'll call you gay, but if you drive a pick-up they'll say, you must be straight" and it's just like WHAT THE HELL?! I mean seriously. But you know, it's a country song, and we all know, when you're sleeping with family you don't have much of a mind to be open with. But I just thought I'd share that with you. So you can all be enlightened.

I've moved on to a bit of John Denver... For You... I think that will be my wedding song for my first marriage... If not my first, definitely my second.

Oh and something else to share, I GOT A NEW JOB... woo woo... (just call me david from RW New Orleans) you're talking with a Max and Erma's server in training... this takes the job total up to 5... I'll shortly be pulling the plugs on my michaels ties. Thank the lord above for that one.

My mom asked me today to give something up, because she thinks I'm too busy, and I'm busy but you know who isn't, and until I get a 'real' job I'd like to not just be lounging around the house like someone else... sister sarah... cough, cough...

Speaking of the Devil, she's coming home on Wednesday... I'm happy. can you tell? Riiiggghhht.

...what I gave is yours to keep...

What's shakin' bacon? It's been awhile... and well, I'm bored so I thought I'd enlighten you with this... bit of, well, borring nothingness. Because it's what I'm full of. As you are already aware.

So my friend Val, she's super cool, and the other day at work we were talking about something, and well all of a sudden we're all talking about the things we wanted to do when we were little, and how we were all in gymnastics and how most of us had to drop out because we were too uncoordinated, once it got past the baby beam, and onto the big beam where you walk, dip, walk, dip, jump, turn, walk, dip, walk, dip, repeat... it got a bit too complicated, and the idea of dipping a little too far and ending up with a concusion from slamming your head on the beam as you hurdled twords the bright blue mat was a bit too much for some of us to handle. Anyway, off topic, however val is now a cheerleader for the OCC Express! Go VAL!

Where was I? Besides rambling on and on, about nothing. So I want to go to London in March, so last night I was like I'll look up prices online, and see, and well let me tell you, it's not that bad, an Economy ticket round-trip from Detroit to London is $520... I'm not sure what economy is, I don't fly, have never flown, and will only fly if I am in fact on my way to London, (to find my husband), but they also have business and first class, and I'm starting to think, maybe economy you're in the cargo hold, because business was $1200, and first class was $6000, so who knows, I'm a little worried, but I guess as long as I can drink I'll be okay. Right? Oh and if anyone else wants to come along, just give a holler! Woo, Woo!

She was both wise and stupid in the way that when life got hard she didn't work through her problems; she just danced in her underwear alone in her room until they went away.
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