You're just too high to see the point, you think your name is pass the joint. at the party everyones happy, everyones high... I think I like you, but you like this whole room you sexy machine...

Gavin Degraw is sexy.

So I have to discuss this thing I call my job, I think Karma is telling me that I really should not continue in the service industry, not only in the past two days I've worked I've not only gotten into an argument over the "boxed" cake that we sell, but i've also spilled a beer, literally all over this guy, who in return left me a large chunk of faces for my pocket. Props to him! But I've also had an ice tea go flying, and douse me, afterwhich I did get a free shirt, and life was good again, but I mean this stuff just does not happen, you know?! I've been working there forever and never has any of this happened, so I'm thinking this is in fact someones way of showing me that I should not work there. Don't you think?

I'm also calling the guy back from Camp Storer today, and I'm applying at Camp Lohikan tonight, so hopefully I can run away for awhile, not like that bride-to-be, I won't require a multi-state manhunt, just a letter every now and then. Oh and money... lots of that.


everything else will be overrated.
Hey Brody!

So, it's been awhile, and I'm not proud of that, but you know. I can dig it. So unfortunatly not much is new, just the same ol' same ol'. I just keep on trucking, like a mack truck in the landfill. Just roll on along.

I thought I'd take a moment to share my experience with the movie Closer, I would like to say, I'm pretty sure, it had to have been written by a man, I say this, and I have no clue if it in fact was written by a man, but I'm sure it was, if you've seen it, you know what I mean. The fact that one small group, small being 4 people, can have sex within that group, in so many freaking combinations is beyond me. And also what happened to Ruth?! I would like to know, Ruth if you're out there hun, call me. Because he was an asshole to just leave you hanging like that. So some other chick gets hit by a car while a Damien Rice song plays quietly in the background and BAM all traces, memories, and sentimental feelings of the once serious, live in girlfriend are void and gone? What the hell?! This is just too much for me. The movie besides being a great way for dudes to get a look at Natalie Portmans ass, moved entirely too slow for me, although in the movie land time, the years flew by, and frankly I could have used some of those key phrases, like "2 years later" to randomly pop up at the bottom of the screen, because I didn't get it for awhile that in fact 2 years had went by, and suddenly Ruth was gone. Seriously, if anyone knows where Ruth went, I'm still curious.

Have to run, I need sleep. I'm starting to type out of sequence.

You're my hero.
She was both wise and stupid in the way that when life got hard she didn't work through her problems; she just danced in her underwear alone in her room until they went away.
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