And I just stepped into mine... big time!
I haven't written in a long time, good thing, because that means no one is reading this. Which is a great thing, because then I can write without the fear of any of this coming back to haunt me. So if you should be that one person who stumbles upon this, for some unkown reason, and you figure out who I am, or you already know who I am (even though, if I were you, I'd still pretend I had no clue who I was, but that's just me) just forget you ever saw any of this, and let's act like it never happened.
First let me start by saying, I love my cell phone, in fact I love most technology, but I must say that all of this instant information stuff is making me horrbily impatient. Case in point, I'm in Target, trying to buy a TV and I'm looking at the prices thinking, I wonder if I can get this cheaper anywhere else... so I think I'll go home and shop around, but I really want the TV today, (I'm an impulse/then regret it later kind of shopper) so the little light bulb that follows around over my head goes off, and I magically have the answer. So I whip out my phone, and google the TV that I'm looking for. It ended up not mattering anyway because the guy ended up selling me the more expensive TV at the less expensive TV cost. So life was good all around. That was a whole lot of nothing, for no real reason, huh? Anyway, point. I no longer feel like it's a luxury to have this information at my fingertips. It's just something that I SHOULD have, it's now something I'm entitled to have. Lucky me. Or at least that's how I feel. I'm also addicted to it. Like when my phone beeps to tell me I have an email, even at 4am, I wake up and look at it. I'm nuts right? Yep, I thought so.
In other news. If there is any really. My life is a chaotic mess right now. I can't even explain it. It's just a whole big hot mess of crazy. I moved out of my house. I hate my job. Lord knows if I'm still really dating my boyfriend, we don't even know the answer to that one. I feel like I've ignored all of my old friends... life is just BLAH!
There's nothine else really to say. Not anything you might actually want to hear about that is. Maybe after tonight I'll have some good story to share. I'm going to a party for my recently dis-engaged friend, that is being hosted by her pastors wife...